Thanks to the amazingly dry air of Cuzco, my lovely Mnemosyne has dried out and is functioning again. However I cannot yet show you photos because the hostel’s PC is running Windows 98 and it refuses to recognise the thumb drive. Bah.

Cuzco is delightful and reminds me a little of Toledo but with more tourists and touts. Mum will be horrified to hear that I ate roast cuy (guinea pig) and they served it whole. It was delicious but did remind me a little too much of poor Timmy and Susie and Tammy and all my other pets I had as a child (I bred them and kept genetic charts at one point). I also had alpaca tonight. The food here has been incredible. Delightful and subtle spices.

We also found some incredible art and wonderful ceramics and things. I have bought a little something for my sister’s son — I know she loves alpacas and llamas so I hope she likes it.

Tomorrow we’re doing the four main tourist ruins around Cuzco and staying in Pisac tomorrow night. Again, I have no idea when I’ll next update. Could be tomorrow, could be next Sunday when we are back here.