Our flights were delayed, we almost missed our connection so that a three-hour layover in Houston turned into a five-minute sprint between terminals only to find the second flight had also been delayed. Doug kept saying, “any day in which I don’t have to sprint down stairs with a heavy box is a good day.” We landed in Lima around midnight.

Lima is insane. What a combination of wealth and poverty. We are staying in a massive mansion that has been turned into a rambling backpackers with statuary around every other corner  and foliage hanging from the Spanish-style atrium pouring sunlight from the third floor down to the bottom where we are, in a massive room with heavy, ornate doors that open inwards.

It also has Internet access, so at least the next few days, I´m connected again.

Outside, taxi drivers careen down blessedly one way streets honking horns and barely staying within their lanes.
