I return the wheel chair to BWB. I don’t want to mess up my leg but at the same time, I really want to climb the Steampunk TreeHouse and this is my chance.

It was amazing. In fact, all of the incredible steampunk themed art this year was beautiful, a haunting futurepast that I long for and mourn all at once.

I went to find Brad Templeton and check on the offer of a lift home (turns out he lives close by) as the sun faded over a hazy skyline, red cast shadows from the smoke of so many burning firepits.

neverwas haul
The Neverwas Haul
Steampunk Treehouse

Steampunk Treehouse controls

Interior detail from the Treehouse (courtesy raindrift)

Steam-driven cart

Kinetic Steamworks steam engine (courtesy of raindrift)

Steampunk Theatre

Apocalyse Stagecoach (photos courtesy AlmostJaded)

Detail from the Stagecoach — even more fabulous images from AlmostJaded