talk to godOn my way to a swimming pool

had told me about at 2 and Intertidal, I saw that the queue for the “Talk to God” phone box was quite short. I picked up the phone.

“Hi God.”

“Hi. Before we start,” said the voice, “This is my male incarnation. As you know, I am male, female and all else, so if you’d prefer me to appear to you in some other incarnation?”

“No, thank you. As I plan to ask about a masculine person, your masculine persona is fine. I just wanted to check in with my partner. He’s been having a hard time of it recently and he’s camping somewhere in the Santa Cruz mountains on his own, recharging and doing exactly what he needs to do and I’m here with 40,000 strangers, recharging and doing exactly what I need to do, but I just want to know he’s okay.”

“Close your eyes, let’s do this together. Breathe in deeply. Remember that you are my divine child and that your partner is my divine child and so long as you breathe and know this you are always connected to each other through me.”

He went on for a while. I was crying. I knew he was some guy at some camp with a wire between us, but he was speaking a truth in some way, something I believe at least about all of us as humans being connected.

“Thank you,” I said. “I love you.”

“And I love you. More than you could possibly know.”

I hung up the phone.