I head into Centre Camp for coffee with Karen from the Flaming Lotus Girls. There is a man there holding a sign. It says: I know something about you.

So we walk up to him and ask him.

“You think you’re normal,” he says to me. I laugh. Normal is about the last thing I think I am. “No,” he says. “You do. You think that everyone processes things the way you do and it isn’t true. You recover from things a lot faster than others — and people could benefit from those lessons. You could find work in charitable pursuits helping give people those keys to processing the way you do.” Or something along those lines.

It’s very interesting. “Resilient” is a word just about every psychologist I’ve ever been to has used about me. And I’m definitely looking at moving into non-profit work.

He’s intuitive, that’s for sure.

(Photo cc courtesy elainevdw)