After severe birth pangs, 11°south has arrived. You can visit our new travel mag online at… or pick it up in print from airports and backpackers as soon as we get distribution sorted out. Magnation in Elizabeth St, Melbourne will carry it too.[1]

To help us impress the advertisers, feel free to click on the web banner ads as many times as you like. And three cheers to silverblue for getting it looking so amazing. There are a few things still not quite working as we’d like (the maps couldn’t be updated till it was live, so that’s being done today) but otherwise it’s awesome.

Oh and anyone who wants a cheap car rental deal and wants to help us over the next few weeks: rent from Hertz and quote PC 996380. You’ll get 3 days for the price of 2, they’ll know you saw it in 11°south and they’ll advertise with us again.

Ack, I feel like I’m seling out. Maybe that’s because I am. But it’s a really nice travel magazine and we made it ourselves! Theres no advertorial at all and everything’s ethical and above board.

[1] We have around 20,000 copies sitting downstairs but because of audit requirements I can’t just hand them out to people (although you can take a bundle of 35 and sign for them if you really want).