1. {ariel flux} is back online after many hours of craziness and a steep learning curve. It’s still running the old software, but I will fiddle around with a test upgrade on a test site now rather than trying it with the live site. Best to learn before you start making money, right?

2. Having a lot of fun setting up the new Magazine Empire, including choosing hardware and back-up systems and working out networks. I’ve always wanted a wireless Mac office filled with funkiness and beanbags around a coffee table for meetings in an awesome warehouse and now I get to do it!

3. Thanks to the visit to Apple yesterday, I finally bought the proper connector for my laptop to talk to my TV, so I can now play DVDs from it. Since I can already connect the speakers from my stereo to it, I’m now sorted and the fact that my old Kenwood DVD player has been stuffing up will no longer be an issue.

4. Have just been loaned Noam Chomsky’s Failed States by a friend. Am looking forward to diving into another serious political book. The oral histories of the Egyptian women I’ve been reading are fascinating but not intellectually strenuous.

Now, to play around with poetry stuff for my gig coming up on July 18 — put it in your diaries. More details soon.