These are moments that you treasure, just sitting of a sunset,
Shoulder to shoulder as you reminisce. And whether it’s
Those memories of women’s decisions, the baby borne or the
Journey halted, the intimacies and the violations, or whether
It’s gasping hysterics trying to catch a breath as you struggle
To form words after too much wine, or whether it’s weaving
Tales of space adventure fairies and their librarian friends
Or just weaving, fingers deftly moving in and out of weft…
Silence then humming that builds into song and foot tapping
Nerves and hesitation, confessing something new, gentle touch.
But the sunset is glorious and the night is long and these moments
Are fleeting in the midst of a life, as you touch gently, look up
At the same moment, gaze in the same direction, side by side,
Smile softly, remember to stop and take it in, the sunset, the light,
The fading light, the vibrant colours, flame-red and copper, bright honey
Try to lock in the warmth on your skin and the hint of music
And in the end, a friend.