In the still night, you, the moon, the water.
Safe in my belly, my little turtle,
Come venture into the light, my daughter

Amidst the chaos, her father caught her,
held her tight, so, tiny, poignant, mortal.
In the still night: you, the moon, the water.

Those first days were fire-filled, never hotter
Clear of sight, my nymph, my little angel,
Come venture into the light, my daughter

Now the days grow long, the nights grow shorter.
You gaze at the stars and do not startle
In the still night. You, the moon, the water,

the wild wind and rain that gives no quarter,
these will last the night and o’ercome this hurdle.
Come venture into the light, my daughter

This is your birthright, your brick, your mortar
Craft spells with me, touch flame to a candle
In the still night. You, the moon, the water:

Come venture into the light, my daughter.