A number of people have said that, like me, they’d appreciate a way to donate goods rather than just money.

Here’s one option, via Freecycle:

In conjunction with the local school and scouts, we are gathering together donations, which we will drop off on Thursday night to the relief centre, where items will be distributed to residents of Kinglake, who are left with nothing, due to the fires. Apparently, there is an urgent need for toiletries especially, toothbrushes/toothpaste and also underwear, as the centre is getting non perisable foods and some clothing but there is a shortage of these nessessities. Please only donate usable items for these families.

Due to the response, we may get from free cycle, we are asking that if it is possible, people could drop these items to our home in Watsonia. They must be received by Thursday afternoon, as we will be delevering these items on Thursday night, for immediate distribution. Email me if you can assist and i will supply address.

Even a small material donation will help. Let’s all do our bit to help. Thanks. Liz. (lib28e@yahoo.com.au)