I promised blithespirit  I would post this poem I wrote in 2003 in response to a question from frou_frou …

Why not?

It’s like this body
is a new program,
and the way I see it,
first thing you do,
check out all the menus,
flip through the manual
(read it later, just-in-time,
when something doesn’t
quite work out the way
it ought to) anyway
it’s as though pregnancy
was a greyed-out option
for those first 14 years
and ever since it’s flashed on
as available, I’ve been itching
to test it out, see what
that new feature does,
how it’ll tweak the experience,
what’s actually in the dialogue
boxes: are there defaults? is my
version exactly the same as the
pictures in the book? anyway,
no matter how many times
you read about how it’s supposed
to go, actually doing it, well,
whole new world, right?
just ignore the warning that says:
you know, don’t you, that
selecting this option, there is
absolutely No Undo, this
operation cannot be reversed,
do you really, really want to
go ahead? Yes? No? Cancel?