This post is a test-run for an e-mail, so comments (and ideas) welcome… Apologies if anyone finds this arrogant, obnoxious, condescending or any other negative emotion. I am *not* asking for gifts. If this is all too much, please feel free to ignore completely!

As I mentioned recently, lovely people have started to buy us baby gifts already. This is really touching and delightful. (I have to post photos soon: my mother has knitted an adorable purple outfit in bamboo yarn; my cousin bought a delightful book called the Wombat’s Diary which I saw at Healesville one day with goldfish42  and shoes_the_dog  and adored).

We’ve also had some people ask about what they should get, because we have a lot of restrictions to deal with.

To make it really easy, here’s a list of what to avoid, in order of importance:

  • No products made from or including wool, fur or feathers — Doug is allergic, sorry.
  • No polyester or PVC or plastics containing phthalates — Rosanne is a big hippie and worried about off-gassing and toxics.
  • Try to avoid expensive, brand-new "designer" stuff — both of us are concerned about the environment and over-consumption, and baby goods are often disposed of even more rapidly than other types of items.
  • Try to avoid el cheapo brand-new stuff — both of us are concerned about sweat-shop labour and our impact on others in this world.

What does that leave? That’s what most people are asking us. So here’s the next list, the list of ideal items, in order of priority:

  • Natural fibres (bamboo, silk for clothes, wood for toys)
  • Second-hand
  • and/or fair-trade, organic, recyclable
  • New, but made by some small, local, crafty person
  • Not too gender-specific

We’ve found a few places and have a few ideas about the sorts of things we’re looking for, if that helps. Here’s that list:

  • Bamboo stuff: Sahara Bloom (I really liked the contrast tab onesie in Sage); bamboo nappies, bamboo blankets and burp cloths; have also seen bamboo stuff in regular baby shops.
  • List of organic/ethical baby stuff in Australia
  • Wooden toys and cloth (cotton) toys (check the stuffing isn’t polyester), second-hand ideally, but otherwise: Fairground Child in North Carlton,Twinkle Tots in Northcote, Child Play in Clifton Hill… tons of other places.
  • Second-hand baby books
  • Hmmm… I wanted to promote a friend’s site, babychangeling, but it appears she’s on hiatus. In particular, I want the black onesie that says "sleep is for the weak". Also, David and Liz, did you ever buy that "little anarchist" onesie I said I’d pay you back for? I don’t think I ever saw it… (ETA: Kim sent me the "sleep is for the weak" onesie!)
  • Beads to distract baby from grabbing our hair or glasses (almost all the ones I found online are plastic… but you could make some out of brightly coloured glass beads and strong silk bead string — I saw some at the Glebe Fair last weekend, but they’re not on the web site). (ETA: Have bought beads and silk string and plan to make this myself)
  • Eco-sling for carrying baby — although a friend said she’d give us a pattern to make one ourselves… (ETA: Have now been given two slings! Awesome.)
  • Really don’t want to contribute to over-consumption? Buy us a gift certificate from a Nappie Wash Service. Although the prices start at 6 weeks’ worth, the gift certificates allow you to specify whatever amount you’re comfortable with. (ETA: This Nappy Wash Service has closed down as have most others in Melbourne it seems. Are now doing our own nappies; buy us bamboo/organic cotton nappies instead from Sustainable Hemp Products or your own source.)
  • Ethical guide to baby accessory companies
  • I’ll add to this as I find more or think of more.