I have 3000 things I’m supposed to be doing and I don’t seem to be getting most of them done… but it doesn’t mean we can’t eat well.

Last night’s dinner was Yum.

Take one quarter of a free-range organic chicken (we used thigh, breast would work even better). With skin on, fry in a little olive oil to render the fat from the skin. Cook until chicken almost done. Remove meat from bone, chop and set aside. Boil water for pasta. Add chopped pumpkin, zucchini and mushroom to pan and fry until all vegetables are well done. Add chicken back in. Add rosemary and thyme and cook for a few more minutes. When pasta is almost ready, add chopped sorrel to chicken and vegetables. Cook until sorrel just ‘melts’. Spoon sauce over pasta and drizzle with a tiny bit of olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste.

And to think this started with a ‘what have we got in the fridge?’.

We both think this might work even better as a risotto but it sounded like too much work. Doug says it would also work just as a dish on its own served with crusty bread or something, because it has a very French taste to it.