So, I did my taxes today. Looks like I’ll get a nice sum back, mostly due to my usual trick of not claiming a tax-free threshold for any employer. Also, because I scraped through from July to December being supported by Doug and earning barely a cent from freelancing and then have supported him from December till June so I can claim him as a dependant for half the year…

Been thinking about the US a lot today for some reason — maybe because we watched the Obama/McCain debate on YouTube and I’m sad about how badly it’s all going; maybe because Doug has spoken with both Tina and his sister in the last few days.

I miss our little apartment, especially the balcony, overlooking the pond. I miss the ducks. I miss the sparseness, believe it or not (Doug won’t… and I know that to get that sparseness back, I just have to Get Rid of Things but that’s the difficult bit!). I miss Barefoot Coffee Roasters. I miss Trader Joe’s and cheap organic juices! I miss fresh lemonade being at most good restaurants (even though we have minted lemonade in the fridge right now). I miss NOLA, the cajun restaurant/bar in Palo Alto. I miss Fiesta del Mar, the Mexican seafood place in Mountain View. I miss Joanie’s, the comfy café in California Avenue. I really, really miss Watercourse Way.

What do you miss?