It’s the strangest thing. Here we are in 2008. One in three Australian women is still the subject of domestic violence. There’s yet another woman in a Muslim country on death row for being caught in a video with a man who wasn’t her husband — she’s been accused of adultery of course, even though nothing happened — here, her husband would be charged for illegally installing a surveillance camera in someone else’s home. The primary cause of death for pregnant women in the US is still murder by their partner (can’t currently find a reference for that, will try). Women’s wages still aren’t equal to men’s.

And yet, here we have International Women’s Day on a Saturday for the first time in forever and there’s no march on in the city that I can find. A whole bunch of little things were on during the work week that I couldn’t go to…

Anyway, happy International Women’s Day, my strong and powerful women friends, and here’s to the health of you and those you love and those who love and support you. May we all grow stronger together and see change in our lifetimes.