This last week is kinda crazy. There are people we’d love to say goodbye to in person but can’t for one reason or another —

is booked up,

is in New York,

is in Patagonia.

We had a fabulous dinner with

and Lars last night at a sweet Cuban place in Palo Alto called La Bodeguita del Medio which was divine. We really will miss those two a lot.

Sunday we went to see Bee Movie for a break — it was great! — and then came home and had a family dinner and played Scrabble with Doug’s sister.

Saturday we went out to the De Anza planetarium to watch a laser show accompanying Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album. that was fabulous: a real blast from the past. I’d forgotten how good it is and the laser show was incredible. Even better though were the times when they just let the stars and nebula-scapes slide across the ceiling while those songs softened in between wails and the sound of money clinking. “All that you are… and all that you feel…” There was an amazing moment in conjunction with the ‘lunatic is in my head’ where the entire hemisphere of the ceiling turned to veins and suddenly we were flying through a brainscape. If you live anywhere nearby, it really is worth the $9.

Only two nights left and we’re gone. Eep.