In a book she wrote, well-known racist and scaremonger, Senator Pauline Hanson, warned Australia about the future, where an Asian cyborg lesbian would be running the country [note: link goes to PDF of Hansard quoting the book].

Today, newly sworn-in Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd sent Penny Wong to Bali to ratify the Kyoto Protocol as his first act in his new role (go, Kev!). So, does Penny have any cybernetic enhancements we should know about? And does Pauline have a time-machine? Because we could make some good money if we know it’s Penny Wong for President in 2050. As a cyborg, the 40-year wait won’t bother her.

(Seriously, I think it’s fantastic that Penny Wong is the rep for this and that no report I’d read before seeing the link on

‘s LJ actually mentioned her orientation or ethnicity. As I wrote in my thesis, I struggle with how we address diversity and oppression without labels. I look forward to a world without labels but until we have equality within diversity for all, I’m happy to celebrate the increased visibility of women, non-Anglos and non-heterosexuals in positions of power.)