The formal whatsits

Cake cuttin'

Cake rosesCake

So, did I mention that the cake was gluten-free chocolate bourbon cake with raspberry butter cream and fondant icing? I did? How about that it looked this amazing, was on seriously short notice, tasted delicious and didn’t cost a fortune? Bewitching Elegance. Diane. Incredible woman.

That's not a knifeCan I cut it yet?

This is a knife!” “Okay, honey, you can stop talking now. We know the cake’s gluten-free. Can I cut it yet? Huh? Can I?”

I think I touched bottom Kiss the boys!

“Careful, honey, if you touch the bottom, you have to kiss the nearest boy.” “I do? Oh, damn!”

One hour, 52 minutes!Sylvan reacts

“One hour, 52 minutes!” — Lars’ estimate of how long it took for Doug to kiss someone who wasn’t me. Apparently he had a bet running with Mike (standing next to him). Mike won. Sylvan is amused.

Cake stuffing

This is apparently an American tradition: stuff wedding cake into each others’ mouths as rapidly as possible. Tasty!

Cake kissingMy work here is done

“No fair! You gave me back some!” “My work here is done!”

healthy alternative

We did actually provide a healthy alternative.


“I know I left my glasses somewhere…” Um, Doug, they’re up here!

And the dance. We’re tacky souls but I won’t give away the song because we’re using it again for the Australian ceremony. It’s been “our song” for a while now. Natasha gave us a shot of this in black and white too but I wanted you to see the cool hair jewel in colour

romance isn't dead

So then, the dancing took off… kinda. It was very minimal. There were maybe five of us at any one time.

Rosanne dances with KateDoug & Ken

But we had fun. And so did the couch potatoes (this is Ken, the partner of my friend Barb. Yes, Ken and Barbie. And yes, they introduce themselves that way.)

And finally, for those who’ve made it this far, a reward. This is Sabine. She’s Mike’s partner. She’s the wonderful woman who cleaned the kitchen. That’s Lars in the background of the kitchen. I’m not entirely certain if this is before or after they cleaned the kitchen.

It's harmless!I told you not to drink that!

“Look! It says it’s all natural and based on honey, so it must be safe!” “Argh! Now I will eat you all!”