The park is much more fun with a crowd. We are all sleepy from the late night before and lie on the grass massaging each other’s backs and stroking each other’s arms.

I want to go to the swimming pool again and everyone seems keen but they are languorous in the heat and slow to stir.

I am on foot while they have bicycles. They will join us later. Karen agrees to walk her bike with me so I’ll have company (I’m more worried no one will come at all). Again, halfway there, we find a ride for me, this time because she knows friends at a Peeps Flambé camp. Apparently this is some sort of marshmallow confection shaped like a bird for Easter. It is far too sweet. The pool is delightful.

I have an appointment with

for 6pm at the park to meet up for the Man. Kati has no plans, so she comes with me, and we take the makings of a picnic dinner. He has brought port. Mmm.

After dinner, back at camp, Kati is distracted by Priya and Yassi and will go out with them instead (I can understand this: I took one look into their little house and saw three glowing naked visions sitting cross-legged; I could barely tear my eyes away).