rodentI went to media cocktails and we got hit by a windstorm. This one wasn’t too bad and it was nice to hang out at the media space and sip my bourbon and mango-passionfruit Rockstar energy drink (it actually tasted pretty good…)

Back to camp for dinner and a change of clothes. Went out to Spike’s Vampire Bar because I knew a couple of people from there. Getting gothed up on the playa is a weird experience but it was fun. They serve red wine from IV bags hung from a manikin wrapped in gauze. The music was heaps of fun and I ended up dancing around on the podium to a remix of New Order’s “True Faith” with some guy in a blue silk boxer’s gown.

Hung out with Doug’s friend Rodent (right) for a little while and got more goss on the Man burning on Monday.

Went searching for the Swarm. Didn’t find them.

Had an early night.