I register with the media center and ask them whether it’s okay to put up my art project, something I’ve been talking about doing for a while: a cloth poetry game like fridge magnet poetry but with clothes pins.

They say that’s fine but don’t like the way Doug and I have designed it to stand alone. Instead, one of the media guys suggests screwing it to the wall of the media zone. Fine by me! So, we attach it to the walls and I bring out my baskets of carefully written words on muslin, lovingly hemmed by Doug on his mother’s friends 1928 Singer.

I announce to the assembled journalists that the poetry is available for them to play with as they will and start it off. I come back and take photos occasionally. For some reason, I dont seem to have the one I liked the most, that ended “Enjoy grotesque light.”

All the words come from the Wikipedia entries on the Green Man and the Wheel of the Year, as this year’s Burning Man theme was The Green Man.