I have huge problems with the idea of the G8. I don’t think there should be a ruling class like this making decisions for the rest of us. But when those decisions are good things, like reining in the runaway idiocy of their corporations and trying to save some space for us to *live*, I approve.

When the US tries to veto sections of the proposal on climate change because it disagrees with aiming for a 2 degree global increase this century and halving emissions and disagrees that maybe the UN is the right forum for this, it raises *my* temperature.

Did you not notice that California is already having temperatures in the 90s in the first week of May?

Guys! Drop the damn politics! Who cares if you lot are anti-regulation and want it to be voluntary? We tried it your way. Look where it got us! Time to try this way. And no one likes your little undermine-anything-with-global-conscience tricks. Some of us, amazingly, want to work towards global harmony, rather than participate in the Third Crusade. We *like* the idea of a body like the UN (even if it has to be rebuilt) and the ICC. Okay?

Our resistance is as global as your capital. Just you remember that.

Ah, who cares? You’ll all be dead from drought, tornadoes, hurricanes and overcrowding. And maybe a bunch of you will freeze to death in a few winters when there’s no more oil to run your heating. Oh, except that’ll only happen to the poor, right? So it won’t bother you slimy policy-makers.