In the end, I left so quickly most of you don’t know the circumstances.

I’m on a six-month tourist visa, a B2, which means I can’t do work for American companies as an employee but I can *look* for work here and I can *do* work for Australian companies as a freelance and my Australian company can do work for just about anyone as a contractor.

Even though I resigned from Vanguard, I’m still a sole trader as Heliotrope (and man, does that site need a revamp). I’m doing some freelance work for e_dan‘s company, The Growth Group and a little as a volunteer media consultant for his other company Rraft Educators.

I plan to contact a bunch of travel magazines about writing but I’m also very keen to get two of my own projects off the ground: the first is BrandJammer which I’ve discussed a couple of times over drinks with folks and the second is Jaime’s Celebrate Humanity Day (and man, does *her* site need a spam filter!). I’m going to need volunteers to help out with those until we have enough donations/sponsors to start paying ourselves a tiny bit in administration.

Also, if you know of anyone who needs a freelance editor for a job that can be simply and quickly done via e-mail, I can do all this from here. I still have all my professional tools: Word, InDesign 2, QuarkXPress 6.5. I can send PDF proofs or deal with whatever formats you require.