I have just sold Alsvidir to subtle_eye (may you both scoot well) and Serendipity is in the shop having a service. A note for those who don’t know already: Serendipity will be available for borrowing in the Melbourne area and for longer-haul trips. She has a bed in the back for sleeping on, an esky inside for storing food and a large water container. crystal_storm will be the holder of the keys. Borrowing fee will be a proportion of service fee and rego. Please borrow her and keep her running well!

I have been wandering Westgarth this evening, saying farewell in odd ways. The cinema struck me especially: if I don’t go and see a film between now and Monday, that could be it. I had lunch with Matt at Babka. Another “last time”. And I realized that we’ve probably had our last movie at Nova followed by dinner and red wine at Ti Amo, especially since he’s going to New York in September. It’s not a tragedy: we’ve had an amazing time, this city and I, in my varied states of singleness and coupledness, in my times with good friends and great lovers. And now it’s over. Even if I come back here, chances are everything will have changed, me included. In fact, if it hasn’t, something will be wrong.

I feel detached from it in many ways, like I’m on a conveyor belt. The phrase that keeps recurring to me is: I slip through this world, a wriggling fish.

Meanwhile — and I rarely do this, so believe me when I say this one’s good — have a video: