All righty then. Many late nights in front of the telly later and I have migrated 61 of my poems into the new system, slightly tweaked with feedback from various folks and moved to my own server since I couldn’t fiddle with colours and CSS if it stayed on WordPress.

It’s at the same address as my old poetry ( If you had a particular favourite poem that has not been migrated yet, you can find it in the old poems’ home until I get around to moving the rest of them.

I’ve also gone to the liberty of creating mordwen_poetry as a feed for those of you who wish to read any new poetry I put on there through LJ. People using real RSS readers can just go straight to the actual RSS feed.


Um, also, diary note: I will be featuring at the Spinning Room South, ET’s, High St, Prahran, on July 18, from about 8.30pm. For those Melburnians who wish to rock up and listen to me read, I’d love to see you there. And hey, if you’re someone who’s been reading but never met me, it’s your chance to come and say hi!