I discovered a bunch of things about myself during my travels in Europe in 2003. Here’s a permanent reminder to myself about some of them.

  • I not only like being on my own these days, it’s a necessity for my happiness
  • I really love museums and interesting art
  • History and politics still fascinate me
  • Discussions about politics and film with good red wine and great food are still my favourite
  • The right sort of music can make you feel good no matter where you are
  • I really do want a kid and probably soon
  • I’m really looking forward to having a cat again; free cute black kitten wanted…
  • I loved my old job and I really do want something like it again after all, but in the meantime, I have other options
  • Even if I never get a fabulously amazing job again, I could happily live a life that involved working periodically so long as I got to travel like that every (European) summer.
  • Expectations are what get me every time. I just have to stop imagining how good the nightclub/drinks with friends/whatever is going to be and then I won’t feel so let down when it doesn’t materialise, or when the people I’m expecting will call me don’t call me back.
  • I’m apparently one-night stand material but not second date material and definitely not relationship material at this stage.
  • But I can’t be too bad on first impressions, because at least I had quite a few one night stands
  • My thesis is slightly on the wrong track, but it’s close to where it needs to be. My supervisor is definitely right to keep using the term ‘language wars’ and I think I’ll be able to throw myself into this properly again soon.
  • I have a lot more patience than I remembered. Or at least, my patience has really improved and I like myself better with patience.
  • Some of the people I think are my friends are often not my friends. I need to let them go.
  • I crave the kind of light-hearted, gather-regularly-for-drinks community that I seem to read about regularly on your various journals but I don’t think I’ll ever be a part of those communities.
  • I love language in all its forms
  • I never ever want to work for Murdoch ever again
  • I really hate the insecurity of freelancing
  • A press pass is a wonderful thing
  • I need wide streets with trees to make a city bearable
  • I hate traffic
  • Crowded cities make people rude
  • People can be cruel, especially when they feel they have no responsibility to you because they only just met you
  • Other people are incredibly generous with their time, money and intellect even to complete strangers
  • Happiness is a night of museums surrounded by other interested strangers
  • Happiness is wild sex with a great kisser on the top deck of a boat in the middle of the baltic sea.
  • Happiness is sitting in the sun on the banks of the Tajo with a good book
  • Happiness is great food and great wine with new and old friends in cosy houses
  • Happiness is dancing to excellent music in clubs with people you know (Family in Toledo, Roxy in Prague)
  • Happiness is sunsets, water and trees