Tarantula count for David: 0. There are however turtles, teensy-weensy turtles. Lots of them. Cutest ever. And squirrels. And hamsters. And pigeons that seem to be either trying to liberate the finches in the cages or get in there with them, I’m not sure which.Yesterday was interesting… the morning saw a visit to the Museu de la Xocolate for my Dad. Can I just say Omigod, that was the most divine hot chocolate I have ever had in my life?

The afternoon was spent on the beach. The water was fine, the Jewish girl from New York was gorgeous.

And this is for Jonathan, if he’s reading. A while back, Jonathan gave me a mix tape. For anyone who’s seen High Fidelity, you understand the delicacy and effort that goes into creating the perfect mix tape. In it was a note that said, presciently, that if anything went wrong between us, the tape would be a record of how we had been at that point. I haven’t been able to listen to the tape since we fell out in February, but I brought it with me. I love the tape. It’s perfect. So I listened to it for the first time again yesterday evening, and all the words mean different things now or the same thing with an extra layer. It’s still a perfect tape. Thank you for that, Mister J.

I planned to go to a Senegalese hip hop band at the Apollo but it turned out that cost €18. I’m hemorrhaging money right now, so that wasn’t going to happen. Tried to scam my way in (“I’m an Australian journalist… see, here’s my MEAA card… “). Didn’t get in but did meet two Spanish freelance music journos who took me to a bar where they played some very funky ambient stuff with a bit of spoken word over it… similar to some of the stuff that Jonathan plays but without the dub. More along the Patti Smith line.

Barcelona was supposed to be this big party city but so far — apart from the influx of Harleys for some convention — it’s been fairly low-key for me. Every time I have tried to go to a big bash, something has intervened. I think the lessons so far are not to worry when things don’t work out the way I planned… I need to learn to go with the flow a little more.